Community Church Reopening Plan

We really miss you and can’t wait to see you again! After a lot of time in prayer and seeking wise counsel, we are excited to announce that we will begin in-person services again on July 12th. Of course, we will continue our online services. Each person and family should only come back to the physical service when they feel led and or comfortable. All of us should continue to serve and obey Jesus by committing to a weekly worship service. As a church, we always want to respect the guidelines set by health and government officials and love our neighbors well, just as the Bible calls us to. We have worked diligently to put procedures in place that will hopefully make your entrance on campus and worship experience the best and safest that it can be under the mandated guidelines. 

Information and Procedures for Attending our On-Campus Service

Here is some important information and procedures to let you know what to expect when you come to service on campus.

  • Upon arriving, you will be directed by a parking attendant to the front of the building to meet one of our greeters.
  • Your greeter will conduct a temperature check for everyone in your vehicle.
  • You will then be given an attendance card to be completed in your car once you are parked. Everyone will be required to fill out an attendance card. We must know who attends each week. We will have pens and masks available for anyone who may need one. Masks will be required at all times while on campus.
  • Once parked, connection card filled out and mask on, you will then walk to the entrance of the building where you will be greeted by ushers who will take your connect card and escort you to your seat.
  • Recommended distancing guidelines will be in place, including reduced seating capacities.
  • Our doors will be open to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
  • Hand-sanitizing stations will be placed throughout the building.
  • All high-volume areas will be thoroughly sanitized.
  • Water fountains will not be available at this time.
  • Coffee and refreshments will not be available at this time.
  • Restrooms will be available and frequently sanitized between uses.
  • All seat-back materials, papers, and pens will be removed.
  • No offering baskets will be passed. Instead, there will be an area in the back of the auditorium for tithes and offerings.
  • We will temperature check team members and staff before serving.
  • Kids Church will not be available at this time. We hope to re-open this area in the fall. Until then we will continue to provide online resources for kids.
  • Fellowship is encouraged after the service on the covered areas outside the building and the parking lot.
How You Can Help
  • If you don’t feel well or have health concerns, please stay home and join us for our online service.
  • Wear a mask while on-site. We will have one available for you if needed.
  • No handshakes or hugs. Air hugs allowed
  • Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer often.
  • Maintain a distance of six feet between yourself and others. · If you have an underlying medical condition or believe you are in a high-risk category, please continue worshipping with us online.
Watch for symptoms
In the last 14 days, if you have been experiencing symptoms of a cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, fever, or if you have had in-person contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, please do not attend an in-person service and plan to worship with us online instead.